We celebrated my son Heath’s 2nd birthday last Tuesday.  On Wednesday my wife Sharon and my son Heath went to Florida to visit her parents.  My seventeen year old daughter Ariana and I have been alone together in a very quiet house since then.  At first it was quite liberating, all this time to ourselves, we could do whatever we pleased.  But today, Sunday, the quiet is very quiet and I’m starting to miss the noise.  One of my dearest friends (also 53) has never been married and doesn’t have children.  A couple of years ago he met a wonderful woman and now they’re contemplating marriage and children.  He is scared!  He’s scared of getting married, which I think is pretty understandable, and though he’s always wanted kids he’s afraid that he’s too old and won’t have the energy.  He‘s always asking me, “How is it having a toddler at 53 years old?  How do you find the energy?” My reply is, “It’s like jumping off a cliff into a cold mountain stream; you just decide to take that step and then you don’t have to think anymore – you’re in it – and then you just swim.  The energy is there.”  After you’ve done it you are exhilarated, refreshed and happy that you had the confidence to take that step off the ledge.

Where do we find the confidence in ourselves to jump off the cliff, to take risks, to push ourselves and grow?  Sometimes our confidence is learned.  If we succeeded in doing something before, we then have the confidence that we will be capable to do it again. That’s why we practice and train (I’ve been teaching Ariana how to parallel park this weekend; her road test is next month, but that’s another story).  We also have an innate confidence that we were born with; a part of us that does and tries new things just for the joy of it. It’s a part of us that isn’t afraid to be vulnerable, and has the faith that if we are true to ourselves everything will work out. This is something that is so obvious in my 2 year old.  It’s such a joy to watch him check out a new situation and just jump in!

What does this have to do with chiropractic?  Do you think you are more apt to try something new and different and a little risky when you you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed out or when you’re relaxed, connected, and grounded?  You’re innate confidence gets buried under years of stress and feeling overwhelmed.  By removing subluxations, chiropractic becomes a tool with which you can unbury that innate confidence.  We can be more like Heath; we can check out the situation and just jump in!

Sharon and Heath will be back tomorrow.  Right now I’m enjoying the quiet but missing them and looking forward to the noise.

Love you All!