Insight Subluxation Station

Insight Subluxation Station

What is Your NSFI Number?

Insight Subluxation Station Poster

Your NeuroSpinal Functional Index Number, or NFSI Number, tells us how well your body and nervous system are functioning. The Insight Subluxation Station™ Discovery device incorporates several different technologies in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the patient’s NeuroSpinal health.  This technology is certified by NASA and was used to monitor astronauts’ physiology while in space. The results from this complex set of tests provide doctors with a way to measure their patients’ NeuroSpinal health.

A patient can understand the condition of his or her nervous system by receiving a ranking on a scale of 0-100.  The NSFI number is calculated by using five different technologies: Algometry, Range of Motion, Surface EMG, Thermal Scan, and Pulse Wave Profiler.  Using these diagnostic tools to calculate your NSFI number provides you and your doctor with a better understanding of your body and your overall health.

Surface EMG

Surface EMG patient scan illustration

The Surface EMG exam assesses the function of the muscles that support your spine. This test shows the pattern of energy distribution through these muscles and helps to reveal the health of the nerves that control them. The exam helps identify areas and patterns of abnormal tension and stress and can be used to evaluate your progress through the course of your care.



Thermal Scan

The thermal scan is used to assess the autonomic nervous system, the nerves that controls the organs and glands by precisely measuring differences in temperature along the spine. Since proper function of your organs, glands and blood vessels is essential to healing and living well, this test gives your doctor a ‘snapshot’ of this portion of your nervous system is working and how it is responding to care.

Pulse Wave Profiler

The Pulse Wave Profiler, or PWP, helps the doctor to determine your overall ability to adapt to the environment by examining heart rate variability (HRV). It does this by measuring the timing of your pulse and determining the balance and tone of your nervous system. Proper balance and tone and are associated with increased adaptability and the capacity to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Low HRV is associated with aging and poor cardiovascular health. Published research has shown that chiropractic adjustments have a beneficial effect on HRV.